Sunday 14 November 2010

Remembrance Day Parade

Woke up to find our first snow of the year this morning (if you don't count last winter that ended round about May). The family are still loaded with this horrid cold but at least last night we all slept better. I put an oil burner in each of the bedrooms with some tea-tree and eucalyptus and I think this helped a bit. We've run out of lavender.

Despite being Sunday we were up early though as our son had a remembrance day parade to go to. It was cold, wet with snow still on the ground, as all the local groups met at the local cemetery and then paraded down to the village.

Now I've never been that involved in this kind of thing but with the simple setting and atmosphere it helped to create something quite touching. The weather seemed to go with the lone piper playing a lament.

When I saw my son helping to lay one of the wreaths it was hard to keep a tear away. Thankfully, having the cold meant it just looked as if I was blowing my nose.

I grew up in Glasgow. Anything like this was always bigger and very organised. This wasn't any less well organised and I'd say there were about 100 people there. But somehow it felt quite intimate and for the first time, rather than just going through the motions, it brought it home to me a little of what it means.

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