Monday 2 August 2010

Quite a Weekend

I think that was the weekend. I'm not too sure as I'm pretty sure that at some point during a weekend you're supposed to sleep or at the very least have a bit of a rest.

I remember Friday. A bit tired and still happy from the ladies comment from Thursday (see previous post) plus I was also asked if I'd like to try some perfume when I was in Boots on Friday. I still think I look very male but I think there are little bits starting to be noticed or picked up on - don't know.

Anyway, I ended up staying up late Friday night. I occasionally DJ and on Saturday I'd been asked to do my first wedding. Nerves were getting the better of me. Mess a normal party up and people just hate you. Mess a wedding up and not only do they hate you but you'll have ruined their day and they'll remember it for the rest of their lives.

No Pressure there then.

So, it was a late night/early morning finish of 3:30am, as I busied myself preparing play lists and notes to help cope with the nerves. Copious notes of the names, parents, dances, music to include, music to avoid, a full 6 hour play list that I could drop into in case fear stole my ability to select music was all copied onto 2 laptops (I took a spare just in case). I even copied the notes to my iPhone just in case. It was only lack of time that stopped me copying the music to the iPhone as well.

Back up at 7:30am and off swimming with the family. Now this might sound daft but as I've mentioned elsewhere I wasn't expecting boobs to grow much by now and I've kinda been caught
out as I still only have swimming trunks. Need to find something more suitable soon.

First real job of the day. I took the PA over to the venue. I was using 4 active speakers, one of which I set up with a microphone for the speeches. Then off to drop our son of with a friend who he would be staying the night with as Mrs J was coming with me to lend moral support.

Then back to the house for some food, a shower and the rest of the kit. I don't like to leave things like lights and laptops at a venue in case they walk. Speakers are a bit too heavy for the opportunist thief (I haven't decided if this is more theory or calculated risk).

By the time we got back to the venue to start the evening the adrenalin was pumping. Got set up and once the first dances were over I settled into the night. It was a really nice crowd who were up for a party so the dance floor was rarely empty and by the end of the night some were even dancing on the furniture.

I did the gig completely in bob mode. This event wasn't about me. It was about the new married couple and so I didn't want to divert attention away from them with comments about the strange DJ. One thing that did hit home was how blokey it all was. The men at the event were very friendly but to not stand out I felt I had to put on an act that I now realise isn't me and I didn't realise, until Saturday night, how far I have moved on from this act.

Gig over and we broke down the kit double quick and headed back home. Apart from breaking hard to avoid hitting a deer, which at one point was running alongside the car in a panic, we got home quick enough. Unloaded the car straight away as we were to be up early for the next stage of our weekend adventure. As an aside, the kit is about 150Kg and it was hard work unloading it as quickly as possible so we could get to bed.

Anyway, by 2:30am we were fast asleep.

Sunday. 8:30am. Up and out to collect my son. Sunday, we were transporting a cat to Yorkshire. Now we live a bit south of Glasgow but we first had to head to the other side of Glasgow before we even started to collect my son. A 60 mile round trip later and we're almost back where we started, collecting the cat.

Now why we were doing this is a very long and not for here story. However, we actually had a very nice journey down, dropped off the cat in Yorkshire and then headed back across to Lancashire to drop in on the in-laws. Might as well since we were in the area.

Just as well as the car developed a bit of a fault during the journey and my brother in law managed to fix it. It was a guard under the car that had come loose. We think it might have been caused when I had to avoid the deer.

After a rest we headed back up north. Again a good drive and we finally got home about 8:30pm (Mrs J was driving and isn't known for taking it slowly).

Son in bed, settled down and got caught up in a film. We were about to go to bed at about 12:30am when we heard our son get up. Now like all parents, we're used to the odd bit of sick but this was bad enough that we called NHS 24 and they advise that we took him to the local hospital.

Back we went out but by the time we were seen he had been sick a few times and was starting to feel better. Don't get me wrong, it was a good service. It was just the way things happened.

Got back home about 3:00am. I decided that it was too late to make it into work in the morning so I checked a few of the important systems and emailed the office to say what was happening and that everything was up and running.

Finally got to bed at 4:30am. Might have been earlier but I fell asleep typing the email.

So quite a weekend. 1 wedding, 600 miles of traveling, a late night hospital visit and about 10 hours of sleep.

I need another weekend to recover.

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