Monday 10 January 2011

PCT Funding

When I was at Sandyford a while back, it was suggested that I could get help with hair removal. Sounded like a good idea so I said ok. A few months went by and I heard nothing. However, I've now heard that the funding has been turned down. Now I don't in any way hold Sandyford responsible for this as it is the PCT that covers where I stay that decides this. Their reason though is that they only fund those who are having surgery.

Not everyone with gender dysphoria needs or wants surgery. It's about helping people to cope. Whether that be counselling, hormones, hair removal, speech therapy or surgery. Within reason, and at appropriate stages, whatever is required should be available for those who need it. I say within reason and appropriate stages because I am still undecided about breast augmentation, especially before any other treatment has been carried out.

I'm luck in that bit by bit I can afford to pay but what about those that can't. Their options seem to be, put up with it and keep on shaving, somehow find the money or (in the extreme) have surgery that they don't want or need.

I'm a big fan of the NHS. I also worked in it for about 7 years. I believe that it should be funded to enable it to give the best possible treatment for those that need it. I also believe that there is a place for private health care for those that can afford it, especially for procedures that are not intrinsically linked to a persons well being.

Gender dysphoria is not something that people choose. It is something you are born with and can be debilitating. Surgery is not always the answer. However, facial hair is an especially strong reminder of maleness and it's not something that will go away with HRT. So why deny hair removal just because someone isn't going to have surgery? Why fund HRT, counselling, speech therapy and then say no to hair removal. I can only think cost.

Surely if someone is taking hormones then they have already made quite a commitment. Shaving is not the cheap option. Not when it is a daily reminder of the maleness you are trying to escape from.

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