Sunday 2 January 2011

I don't do New Year resolutions. Honest!

I'm not a great believer in New Year resolutions. Just asking for failure.

A work colleague summed it up for me when last year he was complaining about how he couldn't get into the gym because it was crowded with New Year resolutions. A few weeks later and enough had quit that he could get back in with out any problem.

Personally I knew I would start attending the gym last year but I actually waited till the end of January before I started. Perversely, this was my way of making sure it wasn't a New Year's resolution.

Guess what, it worked. Apart from the odd bout of the cold, I'm still going. I've lost virtually no weight but I am a damn site healthier. The pinnacle for me being the Glasgow to Edinburgh bike run. This year I had decided to do a few more bike runs later in the year but my brother in law has already found one in late March. So even if I wanted to take an extended holiday from the gym after the festive period, I no longer have the option. To be honest I quite like it this way. I'm working towards a target again.

Weight is the big challenge. It wasn't always but over the years I've become lazy in what I eat. On top of that oestrogen isn't known as a slimming aid and my body seems to be lapping it up. My T levels are now at the top of the range found in cis woman and that's without any anti-androgens. Another plus point to my mixed up endocrine system but a whole load of negative points in my resolve to lose weight.

Ultimately it's up to me. So despite my loathing of New Year resolutions, I think I might have to break my own rule and hopefully prove myself wrong.

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