Wednesday 29 December 2010

Speech Therapy - First Session

This morning was my first proper session at the speech therapist. I've been a few times to have a chat and to see how she can help but today was the first actual session.

I'm quite heartened by the initial assessment. Apparently my voice is quite soft and I'm breathing correctly when I speak. Ever since I sung in bands I have had an interest in voice and I think between this, teaching and presenting, which I have done quite a lot of, has helped with breath control.

It seems as if I am at a good starting point. So we went through exercises to start to raise the pitch to a comfortable and sustainable level and once this is done then I think we will work on resonance.

I had to smile though. Both of us had tickly coughs so we took it easy. The irony of going to speech therapy and both me and the therapist losing our voices did make me smile.


  1. Yes, I've done that more than once - s&l therapy with a streaming cold or sore throat.

    TBH it adds to the realism of the circumstances you need to address.

    Are you NHS or private? Privately I've had probably 25 sessions or so over three years - a indulgence, but it does work. On a good day I can now carry acquired gender on the phone from cold.

  2. The way I've been recently, every session should be with a cold!

    I'm NHS but once hair removal is out the way, I might consider getting some private sessions as well. Especially for the phone.
