Friday 25 February 2011


Now I'm used to bumbling through life and occasionally someone confirming I'm doing the right thing by getting an 'excuse me ladies' or (my favourite) 'after you ladies', when I'm with my wife.

However, yesterday I experienced something a bit different. Nice but different. As I said in the previous post, I went to see the endocrinologist yesterday.

Things have changed for me since I first visited the clinic , about 9 months ago - this was my 5th visit. I noticed the changed from the second I was greeted at the reception. This wasn't familiarity, I don't think I've been there enough. especially over the time span. Anyway, at my age I can tell familiarity. This wasn't it.

It was subtle but there was a definite change to the way I was treated. I don't think I was treated quite as a woman, maybe as a transsexual, but definitely not as a man. What ever was meant, it was genuine and nice.

I have changed. I look physically different. Even though it's only been 9 months of HRT, I look different. I dress differently and I think I am starting to act differently.

I still feel as if I am at the start of my transition and I am still genuinely surprised when someone treats me as a woman. I think this is what makes those days when I get greeted as 'mate' all the worse.

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