Tuesday 22 March 2011

I think the strange feeling is happiness

It's a been a few weeks since I last posted here. Then I was starting to feel happier again. Now I'd say I am, for the most part, happy.

I recently met up with a very old and dear friend. How such good friends can drift apart for 12 years I have no idea but we did. To be back in touch is fantastic and has contributed enormously to my happiness. On top of that I've had two offers to collaborate on some new music, one of which I've already started working on.

Then out of the blue a family member contacted me the other day to meet up. This is from the side that I haven't met for 40 years. Of all my family on that side, she is the only one I've ever really thought about or missed. So although I am a bit nervous, I am looking forward to meeting her but without the trepidation that I had when I met my brother and nephew.

Then tonight we got another phone call from someone we'd lost touch with. A night has been arranged and we'll see them soon.

Don't think I'll have time to sit and mope for a while.

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